I have seen some intriguing Sound Therapy sessions through my client’s life paths, but this one deeply touched my Soul, and left me sitting in my practise room for more than an hour after we finished, as I needed some time to process. I am sharing this experience with my Client’s prior permission to open people’s eyes for more than what our bodies' physical symptoms are. The treatment took place in August, 2024. I was reluctant to share this healing first, but it might help others too, so please read it with open heart and soul.

The top image is a graph of the first nine harmonics of a harmonic series.
The bottom image is an x-ray of the inner structure of a conch shell.
A 17year-old young man, let’s call him A., contacted me and asked for a distance Sound Therapy session from Europe. The question he tried to find answer for was: “Why do I have type 1 diabetes since I was 14?” Just by our introductory conversation, I felt how sensitive A. is and that he is very conscious regardless of his young age.
Diabetes is connected to the processing of sugar and its absorption into the cells. When there is a challenge at any stage in this very complex course of action then blood sugar level rises, wreaking havoc on inner organs such as eyes, kidneys, nerves and heart; can even cause shock and death if not treated. On an emotional level, sugar = love; hence the term comfort food, when people eat just to feel relaxed. High blood sugar may also be connected to lack of emotional support, loss, lack of self-acceptance and self-love.
The body heals in layers. If you have been to a Sound Therapy session with me before, you might have recognised that stress is the very first layer we generally work on, in order to be able to go deeper into emotional healing. I assure you that tuning forks are the deepest stress releasing tools you can get treatment with, if used properly. First, I worked on his energy system in the aura field to support his body’s strength and safety then with specific frequencies I tuned into his vagus nerve to release stress from the physical body caused by fluctuation of blood sugar level.
A. was feeling the stress release instantly from distance and he started to feel more relaxed, and could breath better and deeper too. Then lots of stress related emotions started to come up, that’s when we continued to clear emotional traumas from A.’s childhood connected to divorce of his parents, his father’s mental pressure on him and an overall insecurity he went through since early years. Meanwhile, A. started to open up emotionally more and more and raised a question that was unexpected: “Eva, do you believe in ghosts?” I was wondering where that question was coming from, and he explained, that he believes that he actually saw a ghost when he woke up one night at age 12. He saw a little girl who was about 6 years old with a beautiful smile, very friendly and she was showing so much love towards him, he did not get scared of her, and this vision was also very vivid like she was standing in front of him.
As an intuitive healer I immediately felt that it was a past life visual he tapped into. I always had some kind of a clairvoyance gift since I was a child, but these realms started to open up even intentionally since the first time I hit a tuning fork and I am wholeheartedly grateful for this gift to be able to read and have access to the Akashic Records. If you haven’t heard of the term, just imagine a book of all the Soul’s journeys. I use frequencies to open these veils and I see past lives like a movie, I can raise questions and get guidance and solutions for past life traumas to support my clients’ healing.
I was using a 417Hz tuning fork that day, I tuned into that high vibrational soul layer of one of A.’s past lives, meanwhile he was relaxing in his own room, listening me through our video call and I started to explain to him what I was seeing connected to that little girl from his past life. I have seen two young kids playing on a field, a girl about 6 years old was jumping around, the boy was sitting on the grass watching her and laughing. They were very close friends, the love between them was very strong. Suddenly, the girl’s father appeared, picked her up and took her home. She was crying very much and the boy was very sad. It was not only a temporary farewell of the day, but the girl’s family moved away. What was surprising for me is that I saw every little detail very vividly: clothes, area, country, even the age of kids and the year. It was in 1954 in the United States, when the two kids had to separate. I also explained the clothes I have seen on the little girl and my client confirmed that those were the exact same clothes he saw when the girl appeared in front of him late at night. That was the last time they saw each other in that lifetime, she was 6, he was 8.
The next visual I have seen, was 10 years later, the girl was around 16, she was wearing knee-high pleated skirt; white ankle-socks and a white shirt, her long blond hair was in pony tail. She was just opening a letter, then immediately burst into tears. The pain was so intense that as we were tapping into her energy, both my client and I were deeply touched by her pain. She just got a letter that her best childhood friend that she moved away from, died in the Vietnam war. It was 1964. My client felt all her devastating pain so much that he was crying heavily too. I was clearing both of them emotionally as the loss was coming from very deep, from their souls, and we couldn’t even continue our session until the pain eased.
Just for you all to understand, a deep soul connection follows us through lifetimes. The loss of such a high vibrational connection is so devastating that we carry that within us, buried deep within our soul, which might come up subconsiously from time to time. This particular soul connection was a Twin Flame connection, which means that their souls have the same core soul frequency - a perfect match - a dance through lifetimes and timelines.
Not all people meet their Twin Flame in a lifetime, but if they do, then it is a very strongly activating path, which means it is helping one to bring deeper healing force into their own life and to the collective - raising the vibration on Earth for all. How it feels losing your soul’s twin?! It’s the deepest pain one can experience. Even just distancing from such a connection is a deep pain for those who have access to their heart and soul. Unfortunately, not all in such journey have the courage, the emotional availability for themselves to face their own shadow sides and take responsibility of such a high vibrational soul path together - some make the decision to disconnect, as we all have free will.
In this healing session, it was the boy who lost his life in the war that tore them apart. I asked A. if he ever thought about going to the army in this life? He said, yes! It was his childhood dream until the age of 14 when he became diabetic, and unfortunately with diabetes, one cannot be part of the Army as it’s too dangerous. (In his country, it’s at age 15 when children choose high school and his plan was to continue his studies as a Soldier.) And here we are, he lost his life in his very recent past life in a war, and how is he “saving” his life in this life!? By creating a physical challenge that makes him incompetent to be a soldier again, a soul related trauma became a self-defence mechanism in a subconscious layer.
At that stage of the healing session, we cleared and healed this soul trauma of losing his life in that war and also losing each other, but I was still amazed by the vivid energy of this soul connection. I checked my client’s level of consciousness, and realised his vibrational level is as high as like he was still in this connection in the present moment. Turned out that his past life soul connection was only a past life for him, she on the other hand is still alive, being around 76years old, living somewhere with this deep wound in her heart, by the loss of her Twin Soul.
But the beauty in this soul dance is that although she had to go through all these emotional challenges, she did do her task on her own in this lifetime; she did reach a high level of consciousness, which ultimately helped him now, to reach a very high level of vibration at a young age, as the connection continued right away, which is a great support for him in his life and collectively for all as well.
My client is continuing his Sound Therapy sessions with me, healing emotional wounds from this life in order to support his emotional and physical healing.
What should we all learn from this session is that even if we lose someone physically or emotionally, who was close to our Soul, we are still able to do a deep healing journey, and find our own high vibrational soul path with courage and heart connectedness.
Deep Soul Connections are not trauma bonds or co-dependencies as most relationships are, but a connection with purpose. By the merge of two souls an even stronger energy flows in to the collective. This visual was also shown to me earlier in the Akashic Records.
Why is it beneficial to walk your Soul Path? Because in a high vibrational body, your whole physical being is more balanced, healthy, mentally more stable and emotionally more conscious which is ultimately bringing more healing, light and love into this World. What else would we be here for if not for our soul’s evolution?
If you feel any triggers that is keeping you away from living life from your heart, feel free to reach out, I am happy to support you in this journey.
High vibe,