How can Sound Therapy help you?
In this series I show you the whole body step-by-step connected to organs, body parts and energy centres - to give more insight of what emotional trauma can cause in various parts of the body and the diseases that can appear with them if not balanced and if blockages are not released.
9. Crown chakra
Crown chakra in it's balanced and strong state is providing peaceful balance between soul, body and mind. Emotional and mental challenges in case of blockages in the chakra:
- Floating, sliding in time and space
- Feelings of being lost in life
- Anxiety
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- Closed mental state
- Losing the purpose of life
- No soul connection
- Aiming to find divine path
- Narrow-mindedness
- Cynical, crytical
- Lack of faith
- Loneliness
- Isolation mentally/physically from the World
What physical symptoms you might feel when Crown chakra is unbalanced:
- Lack of energy
- Migranes
- Pressure in head
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Hard to concentrate
- Dizzyness
- Panic attacks
- Forgetfulness
- Lack of sensations
- Sensitivity to light, sound or people
Positive affirmation:
“I am on my divine path and in alignment with my soul’s purpose in life.”
In 1-on-1 Sound Therapy we are going through the life in chronological order from gestation to the present moment in the bioenergetic field around body and wherever in a certain age a dense frequency is coming up we discuss the feelings connected to it and release the emotional trauma or heaviness.
Clients confirm lightness and more alignment in their life as well as a profound change in their reactions, patterns and approach to situations. These indicate a higher vibrational way of living, mental and emotional balance and healthier physical body.