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Birth Trauma Healing with Tuning Forks

Writer's picture: Eva KlenovicsEva Klenovics

How Frequency Therapy can heal a baby from a traumatic birth experience - See Testimonial Below of Mother of a 7-week old baby

image is for illustration purposes only

I am grateful for all of my clients’ healing outcomes but without doubt, the most joyful of all is when I can contribute to the health and happiness of a child. They are so precious and amazingly high vibrational, coming to this life to make the very much needed positive change on Earth.

A mother contacted me while I was offering Frequency Therapy in Hungary, Europe in June 2024 for two weeks. She had a 7week old little boy that time who couldn’t rest, sleep and was constantly crying - just as I heard about him, I was feeling his energy and I knew the situation was critical and he needed urgent help. I offered a remote session to give him quick support which we did through a phone call with the mother, specifically working on the baby from distance. I used various types of tuning forks to clear trauma and stress from his fragile body.

Having started the Frequency Therapy session, I have seen that his whole body was energetically blocked - all his chakras! I’ve never seen a baby so traumatised.

He was born in an emergency C-section due to difficulties before birth. As I was working on this little 7week-old boy, I felt a huge pressure on his whole body, it felt like an umbilical cord trauma but much deeper. I asked what’s happened and the mother told me that I was right, the baby had the cord wrapped around his body 3times!!!

As you might know, the umbilical cord is a flexible, yet strong 1cm thick “rope”, which is approx 60-80cm long. It is a vital connection between the placenta and the fetus; a channel from mother’s circulation to baby which delivers oxygen and nutrients and removes waste products from the fetus.

During pregnancy, as baby grows the cord can tangle around it’s tiny but quickly growing body and in lot of cases the cord ties him and makes him stuck; not allowing the baby to turn towards the birthing canal before labour and in some cases there is less oxygen-flow too as the cord gets tighter and tighter. (You also might have a sensation of pressure on your neck just by reading this… if it is the case, you might also have birth trauma with cord tied around neck.)

I have lots of cases in my clients’ therapy sessions where we start by clearing these blockages, as these effects keep people stuck emotionally, mentally, energetically and therefore physically in their lives - even long after being born, even in their whole life.

The stuck cord’s effect remains on body energetically in long-term, which can block organs, can cause deep stress, anxiety; mental challenges, excessive fear and sleep difficulties and so much more, depending on where the cord blocked the person.

The baby’s session lasted only 60mins and we cleared all blockages in a deep, transformational Frequency Therapy with Tuning Forks.

It took 2-3days for him to adjust to the healing and after that his whole life changed! He became calm, could sleep at night and even daytime which obviously changed the life of the whole family too.

His life was saved already twice! Once when he was born and helped into the World in an emergency C-section and second time when we liberated him from the trauma that could have caused huge physical, mental and emotional challenges in his life in future.

If you know anyone at any age in your family who suffered birth trauma, let them know that there is a gentle way to clear these effects which ultimately liberates them from problems that they might have thought it’s part of who they are and what life is meant to be - but it’s not!

Mother’s testimonial in English and Hungarian below:

“The news of Éva reached me when my son was two months old. Neither his birth nor his short life up to that point was smooth. The umbilical cord was wrapped around him three times, so he was born by emergency caesarean section. My beautiful baby was often restless and seemed to be afraid of sleeping. He didn't sleep well at night, and despite being tired during the day, he barely slept for 15-20 minutes. Many times he would cry desperately if he was alone when he woke up. I felt that there was "something" with him, that this was not "normal" like this, and it was a terrible feeling that I could not help him. After the struggling long weeks, we spoke with Éva (to whom I am very grateful for squeezing us into her calendar almost immediately). Everything changed in a single hour. 2-3 days after the treatment, my little boy seemed to have been replaced. He never cries in the morning, greets us in his crib with a smile, we say goodbye to each other with a smile in the evening, he sleeps for 2-3 hours several times(!) during the day, he only wakes up 1-2 times a night and we don't struggle with going back to sleep either. He became a spectacularly more balanced and calm baby, for which we are grateful to Éva from the bottom of our hearts! I don't even know what would have happened if we didn't get to know Her. THANK YOU!”

"Éva híre akkor ért el hozzám, amikor a kisfiam kéthónapos volt. Sem a születése, sem addigi rövidke élete nem volt zökkenőmentes. A köldökzsinór háromszor is rátekeredett, így sürgősségi császármetszéssel jött a világra. Tündéri kisbabám sokszor volt nyugtalan és mintha félt volna az alvástól. Éjjel nem aludt jól, nappal pedig hiába volt fáradt, alig aludt 15-20 perceket. Sokszor kétségbeesetten felsírt, ha egyedül volt, amikor felébredt. Éreztem, hogy van vele "valami", hogy ez nem "normális" így, és borzasztó érzés volt, hogy nem segíthetek rajta. A küzdelmes hosszú hetek után beszéltünk Évával (akinek nagyon hálás vagyok, hogy szinte azonnal beszorított minket a naptárába). Egyetlen óra leforgása alatt megváltozott minden. A kezelés után 2-3 nappal a kisfiamat mintha kicserélték volna. Sosem sír reggel, mosolyogva üdvözöl a kiságyában, este szintén mosollyal búcsúzunk egymástól, nappal többször (!) is alszik 2-3 órát, éjszakánként már csak 1-2 alkalommal ébred és nem küzdünk a visszaalvással sem. Látványosan kiegyensúlyozottabb, nyugodt baba lett, amiért szívből hálásak vagyunk Évának! Nem is tudom mi lett volna, ha nem ismerjük meg Őt. KÖSZÖNJÜK!"

I'm putting out an intention to the Universe to be able to work together with doulas and support workers to spread this knowledge and let babies start their lives healthy & trauma free.

Let's clear traumatic experiences and tune up to higher vibrations for a healthier, happier, more balanced Lightness of Being.

Reach out if you need support on your journey.

High vibe,


Certified Sound Healer & Frequency Therapist


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